Hair Oily

Oily hair is very fine in texture. It is easily affected by atmospheric pollution and needs to be shampooed and washed more often. If you have oily hair, then try and keep it covered when going out in the sun. Do not wash everyday. The cleaner your hair is the more it can seep into your glands and harder it is to get rid of.

Try to avoid conditioner at the roots, apply in the middle or on the ends. Diet too is important. Aviod fried foods and dairy products. Increase your intake of fresh fruits, green and leafy vegetables and salads. drink plenty of water.

There are several simple home remedy for to get oily hair rid.

ALMOND OIL AND WATER APPLICATION : Take a half cup water, add to this a teaspoonful of almond oil. Massage this into your hair half an hour prior to your bath. Shampoo and rinse off. Note, the massage is with oil and water emulsion. Do not use only oil.

LIME AND VINEGAR RINSE : Take a cup of warm water and add three tablespoons of vinegar along with the juice of the one lemon. Gently massage this mixture into your hair and scalp. Leave it on for 30 minutes. Wash and rinse with water.

COLOGNE RUB : Mix equal parts of any cologne and water. Use cotton wool to rub this mixture into fine parting of the hair . This lifts grease of the roots. Wash hair as usual.

APPLE AND VINEGAR RINSE : Grate one apple. Add to it half cup vinegar. Apply generously all over scalp and length of hair. Leave it on for 20 mintues, wash off, rinse thoroughly.

TEA RINSE : Make a tea rinse by boiling tea leaves in a water. Squeeze in juice of one lime. Strain and keep aside. After a shampoo use this rinse. Leave it for 20 minutes, wash off, rinse thoroughly.

BAKING SODA RINSE : The hair accumulates dirt very quickly. In addition, ther is a build up of shampoo and conditioner. it alters the alkaline (ph) levels, making the hair oily and limp. Here is a quick rejuvenation application. Take a tablespoon of baking soda, add to it 4 tablespoon of cider vinegar. Rub this your hair scalp, leave it on for 5-7 mintues and shampoo your hair. It comes squeaky clean, vivacious and buoyant.

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