Makeup Removers Tips

Makeup removers are important for clean skin. Most women in world with normal skin use water and tissues to remove the makeup but they should use a cleanser at night to remove makeup beacuse cleanser will cut through most face makeup and eye makeup is hard to remove and requires skill and oil to remove it.

Here some tips to remove makeup :

  • First, make sure your makeup removal routine is as gentle as possible.
  • Always begin with your eye makeup. Take sightly wet cotton ball with eye makeup remover and remove all traces of makeup by gently rub each eye until the makeup dissolves, but use a very gentle touch.
  • Now wash your eyes with a lukewarm water and also splash the water on your face.
  • Place a small of makeup cleanser in the center of one hand and rub your hands together to generate lather. Add water if necessary.
  • Apply the cleasner lather to your face and gently rub it.
  • Now rinse the face with water to ensure the remval of makeup cleasner.
  • Dry your face towel
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